why i love being an estuarine ecologist
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- Ecology -
why i love being an
estuarine ecologist
Start by asking…
Do you enjoy a nice crab sandwich every once in a while?
Do you think sea otters are cute cuddly little things? Love watching them play with ice and toys just at aquariums?
SPOLIER ALERT: They’re actually pretty vicious predators
Do you love to bird watch? How about fish?
Do you think sharks are cool?
Then yes, you LOVE ESTUARIES!
so... what is an estuary?
In the opinion of Kat Beheshti, Ph. D. Candidate & Marine Ecologist, Estuaries are the coolest systems ever.
They’re literally where rivers meet the sea, which means that you get all sorts of cool animals that include:
– Terrestrial critters like bunnies or racoons
– Aquatic animals like river otters, freshwater crocodiles, giant water bugs, caddisflies, dragonflies, etc.
– AND marine animals like sharks, rays, sea otters, flatfish, crabs, you name it!
The animal you love may very well rely on estuarine habitat for a portion of its life! For example, lots of the food we eat starts it’s life in estuaries.
estuaries are nature's cycle
The place you go before you’re old enough to walk to your friends house on your own. At daycare you’re protected, you’re able to learn the ropes and grow big and strong so you can become a strong young kid. They are literally called nursery habitats.
why study estuaries?
One reason, it’s where you’ll find a lot of species that we eat or rely on for a healthy environment use estuaries. Also, estuaries tend to be inherently beautiful places to enjoy and be around.
What’s one of Kat’s favorite parts? They can be muddy and murky, so she gets to be covered in mud and smell like rotten eggs… all the time! 😎
Comment with your favorite animal and Kat will tell you whether or not your favorite animal relies on estuarine habitats in some sort of way!
– Also, don’t miss the adorable dog at the end of the video
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